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Pointe work policy

Dancing on Pointe Shoes is every young ballet dancer’s dream, and in order for this to become a safe reality at CCDA we are very strict about how the dancer should prepare for this, and when it is safe to progress to full Pointe Shoes.

NB- this progression is very individual and at the discretion of their dance teacher. Students will not be allowed pointe shoes just because their peers are, if they are not ready.

To progress to pointe shoes students need to fulfil the criteria below

  1. Working at Grade 4 level Ballet with a well-established, musicality, expression, movement discipline and knowledge of correct technique.
  2. Have attended Demi pointe classes for a minimum of three full terms. This is very individual and depends on experience, strength, and ability. Demi pointe classes are available from Grade three.
  3. Be physically strong enough to hold the body on demi pointe with full use of core muscles, feet and leg extensions without assistance.
  4. The dancers movement shows control from demi pointe/half toes to plie, and has established good practice in use of the floor, support of the ankles and strength of the feet.
  5. Have undergone an official pointe work class assessment in which they must achieve the criteria in all exercises to progress.

TIPS for making it easier

  1. Avoid cutting toenail the night before or the morning of. The skin under the toenails is soft, and if it’s freshly exposed, it hurts a lot when you put your weight on it! Cut your toenails a few days in advance of class.
  2. Dancing with longish toenails is not great, BUT better than dancing with nails that are too short. Tip- Cut them as soon as you take your shoes off so you won’t forget next class.
  3. Rub your toes with surgical spirit to toughen the skin. This will help avoid any infections as well and lessen the chances of a blister. Blister: are painful and form where soft skin has either liquid or air under it.
  4. You can use TAPE for a long rehearsal or show to help keep your toes blister free. TIP- Use athletic tape or cloth tape. Tape them individually, so you still have flexibility and freedom of movement, be careful not to wrap too tightly, and cut off circulation. EXTRA TIP- Foam tape can be used for the one toe that just keeps getting crushed against your box, or to cushion a blister -this is a temporary fix.
  5. Heels that tends to pop out of your pointes, or if the drawstring is too tight against your Achilles tendon, put a little foam tape either on your heel or on the shoe!
  6. OUCH POUCHES (Gellows) These should be the right thickness, so you can feel the floor, feel your shoes, and feel your toes, but they do not hurt. TIP- you can reverse them, they absorb shock so you don’t have too much pain in your joints.
  7. Ingrown toenail- these come in many types. Sometimes they grow into the nail bed, in which case you need to have them surgically removed. You will need a chiropodist.
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